Southern India
पेरियार के विचारों का पैनापन आजीवन विचारों में साथ लेकर चले करुणानिधि…
नई दिल्ली। पेरियार से करुणानिधि बेहद प्रभावित थे और वे आजीवन जातिवाद, ब्राह्मणवाद और धार्मिक पाखंड के खिलाफ़ लड़ते रहेl वे भगवान जैसी किसी भी संरचना के अस्तित्व को स्वीकार नहीं करते थेl सामाजिक न्याय, राज्यों की स्वायत्ता, क्षेत्रीय अस्मिता और द्रविड़ संस्कृति के लिए वे आजीवन प्रतिबद्ध रहेl उन्होंने…
Read More »एक और बहुजन बेटी ने रोशन किया नाम….
ये हैं तमिलनाडु के मदुरई की 23 साल काव्या रवि कुमार। काव्या देश की पहली बहुजन महिला कॉमर्शियल पायलट है। इन्हें हाल ही में गवर्मेंट फ्लाइंग ट्रैनिंग स्कूल (GFTS) से कॉमर्शियल पायलेट का लाइसेंस औऱ बेस्ट स्टूडेंट अवॉर्ड भी मिला है। 21 साल के इंतज़ार के बाद ये उपलब्धि…
Read More »कोविंद को धकियाया जाना आपत्ति से ज्यादा सीखने का मुद्दा है…
-Deepali Tayday भारतीय समाज में बहुजनों की कितनी औकात है ये बताती है यह सारी घटनाएं। तुम चाहे तलवे चाट-चाट कर राष्ट्रपति, मंत्री, संत्री, फलाना-ढिमका कुछ भी बन जाओ, लेकिन यहाँ तुम कहलाओगे नीच ही। नीच होने के कारण जो भौकाल एक ब्राह्मण का है तुम्हारा राष्ट्रपति बनके भी नहीं…
Read More »Not just 13; Sterlite has more blood on them than we think
Ever since its establishment the factory has witnessed at least 2-3 deaths per year because of zero safety measures for their workers. Sterlite Copper has escaped the allegations saying the negligence was on the part of the workers and the Vedanta group is not liable for the same.
Read More »Tuticorin Massacre; If 13 not died of gunshot, the pollution could have killed them
More than 250,000 people live within 7 Km of this plant. Sterlite employs some 4,000 people. But many in the region believe that the plant is causing more harm than good on the local economy, farmers, and fishermen.
Read More »Tuticorin Massacre : Vedanta – BJP connection exposed
Vedanta claims that they got permission from the Union government for the plant’s expansion, the records confirm Vedanta’s claims that the NDA government did interpret the green regulations in 2014, which helped many plants including Vedanta’s at Tuticorin to be built without public consultation.
Read More »A Message From Anti Sterlite Movement
The Tamil media 'was asked' not to report any of this. As of this writing, the internet is blocked in three districts in and around Thoothukudi. This may extend to the entire state. This, in a nutshell, is the true story of what is currently happening in Tamilnadu.
Read More »Not the first time when Southern States rejected BJP
The Malayalees will surely not be happy with BJP’s Vaishnava, Vegetarian brand of Hindusim and imposition of Hindi kind of a party with drams of making India “one nation, one culture’ without realising that what makes India stand apart is its rich culture heritage with Unity in Diversity.
Read More »This happened when a coffee plantation labourers decided to educate their kids
When Jayanthi and Magendran Ramalingam had their first daughter in 1996, the uneducated agricultural labourers decided to name her Tamilselvi which means ‘Pride of Tamilians’ and took a pledge to educate her unlike other villagers who married off their daughter soon after puberty.
Read More »Saraswati Ramaswami Weaving ethnic glory For Years but having none
When her first son was born at the age of 15 years, her husband for the first time in her married life hugged her but the happiness lasted no longer than 2 months with the infant dying of Chicken pox. She suffered the same fate again with her second baby…
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