Tag: Suicide
मद्रास IIT टाॅपर फातिमा लतीफ के पिता ने कहा मेरी बेटी ने खुदखुशी नहीं की है
मद्रास की एक छात्रा फातिमा लतीफ की खुदकुशी का मामला सामने आया है ये…
In New age, Casteist Universities are taking life of Bahujan Students
This is not the first time when a Bahujan student has committed suicide in…
The last letter; We love you prince, and we will remember you in our struggles
Your positivity and smile hid your pain well. We never saw it coming, like…
The legacy of Rohit Vemula empowers not only to question establish Brahminical order but also it’s oppressive seeds in liberal left organisations
The fact is true, the perpetrators have now become more active and functioning through…