मोदी गुडबाय; Savarna च्या अज्ञान यूएसए मध्ये हिंदू फॅसिझम उदय कसे नेतृत्व
The crowd, Modi received at Howdy stadium was not something limited to Modi ‘fan following fest’. In the last several years Hindu Fascism has gradually expanded its roots under the shade of White Extremist. Previously there have been several campaigns and movements against the Hindu Right Wingers. मात्र, Savarna forces kept denying it until the crowd found its identity at howdy.
While Indian Primeminister Narendra Modi was busy in addressing the crowd at Howdy Stadium, people in thousands who had their conscious awake stretched in kilometers to communicate the world about the genocide he has committed.
The Federal reports, “Thousands of men and women lined up outside NRG Stadium in Houston on Sunday (सप्टेंबर 22) to protest against Indian Primeminister Narendra Modi’s “Howdy Modi” event. While media largely focused on the main event, the protests went largely unreported.
The protestors were largely Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jews and Dalits were raising slogans against Modi for alleged religious and human rights violations in India. The protesters included a Hindu Human Rights group. A handful of white supremacists too lined up at the venue imagining a ‘perfect world with Trump, Putin and Modi.’
The protesters were braving hot sun and were raising slogans in contrast to 50,000 supporters who had gathered enthusiastically inside well laid out stadium making it largest ever rally celebrating the Indian diaspora.
Author and Activist Pieter Friedrich after returning from AdiosModi Protest writes, I just came from the AdiosModi protest against HowdyModi, where I spoke about how the RSS – the Nazi-inspired paramilitary that produced Modi – is the KKK of India and has inspired white supremacist terrorists like Anders Breivik. Speak out, speak truth, and speak in solidarity
The crowd, Modi received at Howdy stadium was not something limited to Modi ‘fan following fest’. In the last several years Hindu Fascism has gradually expanded its roots under the shade of White Extremist. Previously there have been several campaigns and movements against the Hindu Right Wingers. मात्र, Savarna forces kept denying it until the crowd found its identity at howdy.
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते Thenmozhi Soundararajan took the Facebook and explained the scenario. She writes, "For years whenever I have brought up the issue of the upper caste Hindu Extremists electoral base and the bigotry this group has towards issues that other South Asian American minorities face I would always be told that it’s not true.”
The Savarna circles has kept denying the rise of Hindu Extremists interfering with the domestic politics of the United States. For more than two decades various Hinu Extremist groups along with white supermicist are actively spreading lies, xenophobia, Islamophobia and casteism in the country.
The Trump Speech over Radical Islam Terrorism was chilling. The response of the crowd right after the speech was terrifying. The lack of self-reflection and the overt embrace of Islamophobia in this fascist rally is breathtaking. The battle to take on the Casteism and the Islamophobia of the Indian American diaspora needs to be the burden of Savarna Americans. There is urgency to stop Fascism in the country and the Savarna of Indian American Diaspora has to take the call which side they are?
Thenmozhi Soundararajan further writes, The time to have courage is now. The time to also deeply reflect is also now. I would ask every Savarna American to think about how you may have held back the movement to Stop Hindu Fascism in the past. The vanguards who actually have always held the line around Brahminism, of which Hindufascism is its ultimate form, is Dalit Bahujans and other Caste oppressed religious communities. There is no movement to Stop Hindu Fascism without our leadership and more importantly the vision of what the world looks like beyond it cannot be determined again by Savarna particularly Brahmin thinkers. I am not here for months of more Brahmin Hindu voices pontificating about the need to Stop Hindu Fascism. You did not build this movement. Dalit Bahujans did. With blood, sweat, risk, and tears in our eyes as our people have been dying.
The Savarna population of the diaspora stayed silent and kept their mouth shut in well-heeled events where their ambitions made them quiet and complicit to caste apartheid and islamophobia. The Bahujans in United States have built this Stop Hindu Fascist Movement over the years despite the resistance showed by the Savarna.
This silence maintained by the Savarnas did not stop them being the loudest workest voices in the room when it came to the issue of Black Lives Matter and Palestine. They occasionally stood for these voice but when it came to issues of their homeland and Caste Apartheid and Islamophobia, the Savarna around actually resisted in engaging in conversations. They tried to discredit the movements led by Bahujans again and again.
The Savarna population of the Amrica always ignored the uprise of Hindubfascist by saying “this is not the time” किंवा “this is not the way to do it: किंवा “these issues don’t occur here”.
मात्र, the refusal shown the Savarna community has very much to do with their roots in India and their claims over temples, धर्म, Varna system and gender based violence.
The freedom and equality manifested by the United States constitution, extensively misused to promote hate, भेदभाव, casteism, xenophobia and Islamobhobia by the Indias who had the advanatage of education and access to the politicians and intsitutions of the Country.
They have refused to accept the atrocities Modi led BJP government has caused to the people of India. They denied to see lynching, caste opperssion and Kashmir sienge entirely. Now time has come when Bahujan collective take over the dialogues and conversations to strengthen the movement against the Hindutva politics in the United States which was actually escalated by the Savarnas. Solidarity forums of Bahujan in US will also give more hope and power to Bahujan collectives in India.
अहमद फराजची क्रांतिकारी बाजू
सहसा हा असा मार्ग आहे की आपण एखादी व्यक्ती/कलाकार संपूर्णपणे पाहत नाही परंतु त्याच्या काहींमध्ये…