घर सामाजिक राजकारण Slowly But Steadily Administration Taking Action Against Right Wings
राजकारण - सामाजिक - डिसेंबर 24, 2017

Slowly But Steadily Administration Taking Action Against Right Wings

करून – अली अकमलला
On Friday evening at Kavi Nagar police station more than 100 party workers of BJP and other right wings were booked. They were booked under the various sections of Indian Penal Code. Accused clashed with police over a marriage of Hindu woman with a Muslim guy.

Sub Inspector Dinesh Sharma lodged case in midnight against all of them. BJP city President Ajay Sharma, Shiv Sena’s West Uttar Pradesh head Mahesh Ahuja, Hindu Raksha Dal leader Pradeep Chaudhary, सोबत 100 unidentified persons were booked under the Sections 147, 148, 336, 341, 427, 353 of the Indian Penal Code.

Accused were allegedly clashed with police earlier in the day at Ghaziabad. Mob tried to present marriage as “love jihad”.

Nupur Singhal, psychologist by profession was about to marry Mansoor Harhat Khan when clash broke.

Her father Pushpendra Kumar told IANS: “I was receiving phone calls for the last two days to stop the marriage. But both (bride and bridegroom) are majors and mature enough to know what’s wrong and what’s right.

Members of the right wings like Hindu Jagran Manch, Hindu Dharma Parirakshana, Hindu Yuva Vahini, Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha fearlessly intervening in the personal life’s and imposing their rules and regulations forcefully.

The terror of Right wings increasing day by day which leads to the formation of fear in youth.

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